Increase Your Curb Appeal With Landscape Design Services

American house with beautiful landscape and vivid flowers

You know what they say about first impressions. Overgrown lawns and dead plants are surefire ways to decrease your curb appeal and even lower your overall property value. On the other hand, an attractive landscape can add value to your home and make you the envy of your neighborhood.

But…how do you increase curb appeal? Having a well-balanced and attractive landscape is a key factor. In this post, we’ll talk about some of the secrets to good landscaping, and where you can find exceptional landscape design services.

Low-Maintenance Plants

As the name suggests, low-maintenance plants don’t take a lot of effort to care for and maintain. In other words, if you forget to water or fertilize them for a certain period of time, they’ll continue to survive (and possibly even thrive) from year to year. They’re not just easy to care for, but look great too. Some examples of low-maintenance plants that you may want to incorporate in your landscaping include:

  • Daylilies
  • Poppies
  • Hostas
  • Peonies
  • Goldenrod
  • Catmint
  • Russian Sage
  • Coneflowers

You can find any of these plants at your local nursery, or you can try to grow them from seed!

Creating Borders

While adding plants can help you improve curb appeal, hardscape borders can be just as effective. Hardscape specifically refers to any non-living elements of landscaping. This might include the likes of walls, patios, or wooden flower boxes. It can also include concrete walkways to and from your front door. It’s true that hardscaping is more expensive than planting trees, bushes, or flowers, but the return on investment also has the potential to be far more significant.
Hardscaping can add elegance and definition to borders—all of which help improve your home’s overall curb appeal.

Emphasize the Entrance or Front Door

Ideally, you want your home to be an inviting, welcoming place. In addition to your front yard and gardens, the next area you’ll want to draw attention to is the front entrance of your home. Flower beds that border the door can be a nice touch, as well as hardscape paths. The bottom line is that while your front yard does make an impression on visitors, it’s important to finish the job and not forget about the spaces nearest to your front door too.

Start Your Outdoor Project With Design One

For more information on landscape design services and how to maximize curb appeal, contact Design One. We’re proud to be a leading provider of landscape design services in Michigan. We can handle the planning, installation, and maintenance of water features, patios, outdoor kitchens, and so much more. If you’re interested in learning more, please fill out our online form today.

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