When is it Time to Remodel Your Landscape

Home Exterior Design

Remodeling Your Landscape Can Improve Your Home

Your home’s landscaping can make a significant impact on not only its visual appeal but also its market value. An updated landscape design can help your home to look its best, throughout the year. You may be wondering is it time to remodel your landscape design. Here are a few factors that go into determining when a to remodel landscape is needed to keep your home looking attractive and desirable.

When Is It Time To Remodel Landscape

Your home may have been built many decades ago when certain types of landscaping were in fashion. That same landscaping may serve to make the home look dated and unappealing. When you remodel the landscape, your home will fit better with today’s tastes, and its value in the marketplace will naturally increase. Other homes may have landscape plants that have not been well-tended. They may be costly or labor-intensive to maintain. These plants can be replanted with plants that require less maintenance and make your property more attractive.

Why Is Fall A Good Time For Remodel Landscape Projects

By the fall, the soil has enjoyed warming by the sun for many months. This makes for a favorable environment for new plants to take root. Fall is generally a time of increased rainfall, as well, so newly planted stock can have all the moisture they need to develop new roots. Instead of the plant using energy to adapt to dry, chilly soil and variable temperatures, the plant can use all its resources to get fully established.

Why Spring/Summer Is the Best Time To Remodel Landscape

Many homeowners begin to think of re-doing their landscape in the spring when temperatures begin to warm and outdoor activities come to mind. However, spring weather can be variable, and you must ensure that morning temperatures are above 45 to 50 degrees to avoid frost. If you wish to begin your landscaping project in the summer, be aware that plants may need more water in hot temperatures, and they may need protection from the harsh rays of the sun. Sun screens are available to shield your newly planted items to prevent the burning of foliage.

Should You Start Over or Replace?

Whether you start your landscape design from scratch or save and incorporate existing items is a personal choice. Some people may have fond memories of the trees or other plants in their current design. Transplanting is not always successful, because the root systems may become shocked and unable to survive the change in location. However, if a tree, shrub, or perennial bed is important to you, the landscaper can try to save it and incorporate it into the new design. However, doing so should be with the understanding that it may be more costly and not guaranteed to thrive.

Design One For Your Landscaping Remodeling

A professional landscape design company can help you determine the best look and timetable for your remodel landscape project. They have the knowledge and experience needed to help you plan the complex re-use and timing issues that may be needed. With a talented, knowledgeable landscape team and many years of experience, Design One can help you develop a workable design that gives your property an updated look that suits the unique features of your residential lot.

Design One Landscaping

As a residential and commercial landscaping company in Michigan, we’re experienced in both property care and landscaping design. With over 40 years of experience in the industry, Design One is great source of information when it comes to your Michigan lawn care needs! From preliminary design mapping, to irrigation and the types of plants you might want on your priority, we cover it all.

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